Weight & Body Image
What is it that caused the weighty thinking in the first place?
It isn’t hard to find a person talking about weight often when they have no excess pounds on their bodies. Until one is willing to fix the root of the excess weight or body image issues, there is little chance that this vicious cycle of weight loss and gain will end. One must begin with the stories in the mind to truly heal and bring balance to the body. I am here to help you discover that you are worthy beyond what the eye can see, you have a value that cannot be measured with scales or measuring tapes and you are good enough just as you are. Come out to “The Middle of Somewhere Ranch” to share your story and start your personalized healing program.
Click “Subscribe” and receive a complimentary copy of Chantel’s “Body Agreements – 12 Steps to Body Love”.
Weight isn’t Just about Pounds!
Is your self-worth defined by your body size?
Celebrate who you are, not what you think you should be! 10 Feel good tips for you to feel better.
Are you constantly on the scale and thinking about food? Learn how to stop obsessing about weight.
You May Asked Yourself
Chantel is answering some of your questions with compassion
Dieting is deprivation and it doesn’t work. Eventually, you will have enough and “fall off the wagon” First, you must learn to pay attention to your body This means
- Listening and tuning into how it feels with certain food choices
- Eating mindfully, slow down and chew, really taste each morsel
- Stop when satisfied, this is different than being full
- Asking am I hungry? Make sure it isn’t some event or feeling that has caused you to rush into the kitchen
- Bless your food. Judgment only slows digestion and causes you to overeat.
- Join a support group or create one of your own
- Hire a coach to keep you on track
- Have an accountability buddy to check in with once a week
The best thing you can do for yourself is to have a person, or a group of people, to hold you accountable. Having someone to share your struggles and successes with will keep the motivation.
As a parent, when our child is struggling with seeing themselves as the beautiful person they are it can be tough. The best thing you can do is be a positive role model in this area. Make sure you aren’t modeling negative talk about your own image, or body size. If you are having your own struggle don’t feel bad, just work on your own image so you can be a positive role model in this area. Find out what she loves to do. Enroll her in a class that has a positive effect on her esteem. This can be a wide range of activities from taekwondo, to painting, to rock climbing or horseback riding. As long as it is something that she loves, it will lift her self-image.
Register your daughter for some type of program that will help her discover that she is more than what the eye can see is another step in the right direction. The more your daughter knows who she is the less the outside world can effect her. If you need any help in this area give me a call.
Questions? Read more to discover our Body Bliss Program!
“Chantel is light and bright, and very compassionate, she is open to facilitate change for her clients.”
“I cannot tell you that I was cured that day; but what I can tell you is that this was the start of my healing. Continued support and guidance from Chantel and her horse friends let me know that there is, indeed, a light to keep my eye on at the end of the tunnel. Thank You.”
“Relaxation and meditation is so easy in the beautiful surroundings you allow us to share. I came away from your course with a lot to reflect on. I was positive and uplifted, and have felt so good since that day.”