In December’s newsletter, I asked who do you want to be? My personal answer is happy and healthy. I started journaling about what makes me happy and what I can do to improve my health. Guess what? I am now taking action on my health and happiness.

This month’s question is, how do you want to feel?

Asking these questions is a backwards way of looking at your goals. Looking at who you want to be and how you want to feel, you find your why—knowing your why inspires you to keep on track with your goals and dreams.

Here’s an example:

You want to lose weight. Weight loss as a goal in itself lacks any clear motivation.

However, if you dig deeper and say I want to be fit and healthy, this brings more excitement to the table.

Now, if you dig deeper into why you want to be fit and healthy, it’s likely because you want to feel good and confident about yourself.

Knowing you will feel confident, energetic and rock your skinny jeans, will keep you on track with your goal.

A new year’s gift is newfound excitement for growth and change.

So I ask you again, how do you want to feel? Alive, happy, joyful, inspired, open, successful?

I’d love to hear your answer send me an e-mail. (

Need support in finding your answers?

We weren’t meant to do this life thing alone. If you need an intuitive ear or a helping hoof, reach out.

Intuitive Healing sessions with Chantel I offer phone, zoom or in my living room sessions (there is a beautiful fireplace). Together we find and bust your stickiest beliefs and stories so you can live a more joy-filled life. 

Healing with horses-I am offering limited private sessions with the horses this winter. 

Contact to book a time or ask questions (We don’t bite I promise)

Until next time

Be Brave~ Be True~ Be You
