It’s too peopley outside!

A girl I know that often says it’s too peopley outside! This makes me chuckle sometimes it is too peopley out in the world for us introverts. It’s been too mosquitoey outside this summer. My new perfume has become off, and we have been building smudges for the herd. It has made it difficult to be outdoors. This has given me a much-needed pause to reflect, a little break to catch my breath and let the lessons I’ve learned catch up to me. One of my big lessons was asking for help. If you are wildly independent like me, you will relate to this. I like to do it all by myself. Asking for help seemed like it was a weakness, I was seriously wrong. Asking for help is a strength, it takes courage to reach out to others.

The horses teach us humans over and over that vulnerability is a strength.

I was incredibly stuck and needed the support of other people. So I started asking and to my surprise, people welcomed giving me a hand. This made me realize that I too feel good inside when someone reaches out to me. I don’t think we are meant to do life alone. Even if it feels too peopley out there sometimes – even introverts need more support than we are willing to accept. The lesson becomes further integrated when I was on a recent mud run. I am in the worst shape of my life due to a back injury. This was 6km through with obstacles and some serious hills, the course was built on a ski canon. What was I thinking? stuck in the mudmh-300x300At first, I felt pretty good then it got tough. I had offers from my team, and strangers to help me through the muck. I said no I can do this. Until I hit the final obstacle 5 big mud pits, I was exhausted. I got to a point that I could not physically move, try as I might I couldn’t budge in the slippery mud. Finally, I had to say yes to help, I had to even ask someone to jump back into the pit and pull me out. Our team made it through to the finish line, in the top 30%! I know that I would still be in that pit if I hadn’t asked for help. When our team sat and talked about the course, there wasn’t one that hadn’t needed help along the way. You could see everyone’s eyes light up with a huge smile as they talked about who they helped along the way.

Reading this you may be thinking about times when you got stuck – emotionally, physically, spiritually, or financially, and you needed help.

Did you let others come in and lift you out of your pit? Were you willing to ask?

You are doing yourself and others a great disservice if you don’t allow them to support you. It is like turning down a gift.
Ask and ye shall receive! Be willing to ask, be willing to walk in vulnerability. The horses neigh so!

LOL!! I had to laugh this is so me!!! Asking for help is not one of my strengths! So glad you read this as a gentle reminder – that it is Ok to ask for help!!! Thank you! Chantel. _ Carolynn Zacharias