Equine Reflection Healing with horses
You a horse and a gestalt coach helping you uncover and rediscover who you really are.
Everyday, your eyes show only a small perception of who you really are. Horses are truth detectors helping to reflect on your inner qualities and strengths, empowering you to see yourself in a new way: “Change your story, Change your life”. Here, at Equine Reflection, we offer a variety of equine-assisted individual and group programs to drop self and body judgments giving you the freedom to be Truly You. Our goal is that you feel your value, see your worth, and know you are good enough. No horse experience necessary only the willingness to learn from one! Start your journey today…
Click “Subscribe” and receive your complimentary copy of Chantel’s “Healing Journey with Horses”.
The Power of Horses
The Gift of Horses is to Help Humans Heal
Horses are highly intuitive beings with an innate ability to sense and even heal your inner pain and core blockages. Standing in the presence of a 1200 lb partner, you will be guided to look beyond self doubt, self imposed limitations, and past experiences.
Be Part of our Equine Guided Events
Deep Healing Workshops and Retreats – “Good for the Soul, Good for the Body”
Discover Equine Reflection Programs
Equine assisted coaching session are a time to reconnect with yourself and others.
Equine Reflection offers group, individual and phone sessions to support you on your journey of self-discovery. We create custom designed workshops, individual packages, and luxurious retreats. No matter the path you take, you will have the chance to connect with nature, horses and yourself.
Read our Reflection Blog!
Recent Stories & Horsey Insights: Together, sharing life lessons
How do you want to feel?
In December's newsletter, I asked who do you want to be? My personal answer is happy and healthy. I started journa
Stopping the Weight Obsession
How to stop obsessing about weight? Being weight obsession is a thought pattern; I created 3 simple steps to stop
Feel Good Tips
Chantel's Feel Good Tips Celebrate who you are, not what you think you should be! Here are my favorite tips for y
Fear the Fire Breathing Dragon
Fear the Fire Breathing Dragon There is nothing that spreads like wildfire more than fear. From one person’s lips
Weightless Mind, Beautiful Body
Feel good from the inside out – “Be Brave, Be True, Be You.”
“Looking back at my pictures, I wonder what all the fuss was about. I was beautiful, my body looked good – I wasn’t carrying extra weight. It was my mind that was the problem, not my body. This is the purpose behind my Weightless Mind program – with or without horses, to bring body confidence and soulful weight loss.”
Chantel Schmidt, Owner & Founder of Equine Reflection,
Certified Equine Gestalt Coach®